• Garcia updates Liberal Democrats as conference season begins
  • Garcia updates Liberal Democrats as conference season begins

    The Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia has said that although Gibraltar prefers a treaty to govern our relationship with the European Union, there are fundamental red lines which the Government is not prepared to cross in order to achieve it. Dr Garcia was speaking in Brighton today at the annual party conference of the U.K. Liberal Democrats. 

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  • Holland And Barrett Vitamins Gibraltar Offer

May 02 - GFA Announces Newest Player

gfa press conference This morning’s GFA press conference proved a disappointment for Team manager Allen Bula, with only two journalists covering the announcement on a number of issues with current facilities and new team players including Jake Gosling of Exeter City, the 20 year old winger, who’s father was born in Gibraltar. Mr. Bula said he, ‘was not happy with players taking their foot off the gas in matches they were winning in the local league'. He wanted them to show more desire to push for bigger wins throughout the match rather than “walking through the last few minutes of the game”.

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May 02 - May Day Message From The Chief Minister

On the 1st of May yesterday we celebrated international workers' day, a day which commemorates a time of civil unrest in the late 19th century when workers in industrialized countries demonstrated for improved working conditions, wage raises and the establishment of a maximum working day and week.  Today, in 2014, it is right that we remember those who made sacrifices for workers’ rights, but it is important that we focus on making sure that we continue to strive to realise more rights for workers while preserving a competitive edge in the business world.

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