• Gibraltar Reception At The Labour Party Conference
  • Gibraltar Reception At The Labour Party Conference

    Gibraltar’s representation at the Labour Party Conference continued yesterday evening with the Gibraltar Reception hosted by the Chief Minister Fabian Picardo and featuring a keynote speech by the UK Minister for Europe and the Overseas Territories Stephen Doughty MP. 

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  • Holland And Barrett Vitamins Gibraltar Offer

Sep 27 - Gibraltar Museum Represented Internationally

news The congress Adapting to Global Change in the Mediterranean hotspot was organised by the Doñana Biological Station within the EU Ecogenes and brought together scientists from different parts of the world. Professor Clive Finlayson of the Gibraltar Museum was an invited speaker who spoke about Late Pleistocene climate and ecological change in the Mediterranean Region – uniformity or diversity? His presentation drew heavily on work carried out in Gibraltar to illustrate the impact of global climate change at regional and local scales in the Mediterranean Region.

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Sep 27 - Table Tennis Session Allocations

news The Gibraltar Table Tennis Association has announced the team’s new allocations for the season. Monday’s session will be held at the Victoria Stadium from 8:30 to 11:30 pm, Tuesday’s sessions will be held at the Victoria Stadium from 6pm to 8pm and Thursday’s sessions will be held at Westside School from 6pm to 8pm.

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Sep 27 - Cuervas-Mons Outlines Rajoy's UN Speech


By Rafael Rossello Cuervas-Mons

Como dije en el articulo anterior, Rajoy, presto y raudo, se dirigió a Nueva York para hablar de Gibraltar, y lo hizo, y dijo muchas chorradas, y se volvió encantado, y por eso a mí me gustaría analizarlas bajo mi humilde opinión.

Rajoy invocó el "mandato" de Naciones Unidas sobre la descolonización de Gibraltar, y mi pregunta es: "¿sobre la descolonización de Gibraltar o sobre la descolonización?, porque hay que tener mucho cuidado con lo que se dice no vaya a ser que por tanto gritar ¡viene el lobo! al final aparezca y nos veamos inmersos en la descolonización de Ceuta y Melilla.

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