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Nov 19 - I Almost Just Had An Accident

By Stefano Blanca Sciacaluga

I think every time I get out of my car I could repeat the same six words. Every time. I’ve had a driver’s licence for more than three years (or is it four?) and the same old car I learnt in, a 1992 FIAT Panda I bought off a friend for £25. No, there isn’t a zero missing. That’s twenty-five pounds sterling. And it might be the fact that it has no airbags and the doors are metal flaps, but I like to think I’m a cautious driver, a good driver. I like driving; I find it relaxing; but the fact that my car isn’t in the best shape means that I can’t really go far in it, so I’m basically confined to this Scalextric track we live on.

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Nov 19 - GSD Raises Questions Regarding Gibtelecom Share Purchase

The GSD Opposition notes the Government’s announcement on Monday of the purchase by it of the 50% shareholding held by Telekom Slovenije, the Slovenian state-owned company. The GSD also notes the Government’s explanation describing the move as ‘strategic’ in nature given that it wants to have control (by exclusively holding all the shares) as to who the next partner will be.

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