• Joint Statement on the Progress of the EU-UK Agreement in Respect of Gibraltar
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Nov 18 - Opposition to Press for Credit Finance Answers in Parliament

parliamentThe Opposition will press the Government for details of the activities of Credit Finance Company Limited in Thursday’s Parliament session. All of the GSD’s oral questions will be centred around Credit Finance and the money invested in it by the Gibraltar Savings Bank.

Commenting on the matter Opposition Leader Daniel Feetham insisted that the Government, who pledged to be the most transparent in ‘our political history’ has thus far refused to answer questions on the company’s loans and investments ‘despite the fact that it is using £344 million of savers’ and taxpayers’ monies, backed up by a guarantee from the taxpayer’.

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Nov 18 Rock Crafters Fair This Saturday

The Rock Crafters A group of very talented ladies have got together and organized a Christmas craft fair.

This is taking place on Saturday 23rd November at the Catholic community Centre from 10am to 6pm.

Some of The Rock Crafters work closely with local charities and donate some of the monies they earn to help.  The fee they have paid for the tables will also be put into good use by Father Charlie.

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Nov 18 - Minister For Financial Services To Represent Gibraltar At The OECD Global Forum In Jakarta

The Minister with responsibility for Financial Services Albert Isola, left Gibraltar on Saturday 16th November for Jakarta, Indonesia (via Hong Kong) to represent Gibraltar at the OECD Global Forum which is being held this week. The conference begins with an official dinner for all participants on the Wednesday and concludes on the Friday evening. The Global Forum consists of around 110 countries and concentrates on issues surrounding transparency and exchange of information. Gibraltar has attended the Global Forum and its predecessor formats since their inception in 1999. About 90 countries have confirmed their participation at this year’s conference.

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