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Feb 05 - Daniel Feetham - New GSD Leader

feethamYesterday evening, the GSD Executive voted to make former Deputy Leader of the party, Daniel Feetham, the new Leader of the Party. Following his appointment, he gave this statement:

‘Firstly, I would like to thank Damon Bosssino for putting his name forward and demonstrating that anointments of political party leaders in stage-managed meetings are for others. Mr. Bossino is, and remains, a valued and important member of an experienced and talented Parliamentary Opposition, which over the next three years will, I hope, discharge the constitutional duties of Her Majesty’s Opposition in a way that earns the respect and confidence of the people of Gibraltar, as the alternative government. 

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Feb 05 - PDP on Parking

pdpThe PDP yesterday claimed that following a whole year in office, the Government has yet to put forward a credible traffic and parking plan which will help alleviate congestion, provide environmentally sensible alternatives, encourage less use of cars, and provide cost effective parking for those who need or want to use their cars.

The Party insists that it would like to find a modern and environmentally – friendly solution to the parking problem. They claim, ‘We need to continue to increase the incentive for people to use state of the art public transport such as the free bus service or to choose to walk or cycle. Gibraltar is not yet sufficiently pedestrian or cycle friendly and the Government should invest in making it so. In a small place like Gibraltar where a free bus service is available there is no reason why we should still be witnessing tailbacks and congestion on a daily basis. Car sharing to work should be encouraged when more often than not there is a lone driver in a car.

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