• No Prosecutions — RGP Whistle-blower Investigation Update
  • No Prosecutions — RGP Whistle-blower Investigation Update

    The Royal Gibraltar Police (RGP) investigation into the allegation that ‘whistle-blowers’ were incentivised to provide evidence to the McGrail Inquiry “has not uncovered any evidence that meets the threshold for criminal prosecution for Misconduct in Public Office.”

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  • Holland And Barrett Vitamins Gibraltar Offer

Aug 20 - GONHS Offers Advice on North Gorge Redevelopment

gonhsGONHS notes, with interest, the recent Government notice of a tender for the redevelopment of North Gorge into an 'Eco Residential Scheme'.

The North Gorge is a unique site in Gibraltar, in terms of its geology and ecology.  The cave/fissure systems below the site are distinct from the karstic systems elsewhere on the Rock.  They tell a very different geological story to other caves in Gibraltar and should be conserved on this basis alone.  In addition, the gorge habitat harbours the only known populations of a few plant species in Gibraltar, and these in turn support populations of insects that are restricted to the area.  Not least, this is because the gorge habitat is itself unique on the Rock.

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Aug 20 - GBGA Officially Threatens Legal Action with Point of Consumption Tax to Commence in October

gbgaThe Gibraltar Betting and Gaming Association this week officially filed their formerly threatened legal challenge against the UK Government’s ‘point of consumption tax,’ which the Association claims to be unlawful. The tax, which was originally proposed in the 2012 Budget, to come into place on October 1st 2014, will tax gaming operators based on the point of consumption of their customers, instead of the current ‘place of supply’ legislation which sees overseas based companies pay no UK gambling taxes. New legislation will see companies ‘pay tax on the gross gambling profits generated from UK customers, no matter where they operate from’.

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Aug 20 - Spanish Frontier Work to Disrupt Traffic Flow

frontier The Administrator of Customs on the La Linea side of the frontier has notified Gibraltar on the commencement of works that are set to ‘allegedly facilitate frontier flow in keeping with the recommendations of the EU Commission.’

The Government warns the public today that in order to assist in the period of the works, ‘considerable diversions will have to be put in place affecting traffic flowing into and out of Gibraltar.’ These will affect all traffic coming into and out of Gibraltar, including vehicular and pedestrians.

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