• National Day Events
  • National Day Events

    The Self Determination for Gibraltar Group (SDGG), in conjunction with Gibraltar Cultural Services (GCS), is pleased to announce the programme of events for this year’s National Day, to be held on Tuesday 10th September at Casemates Square, John Mackintosh Square and Governor’s Parade. 

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Mar 07 - GSD Accuses Minister Sacramento of 'Making Gender Issues in Gibraltar Partisan'

gsdThe GSD Opposition has taken issue with Minister Sacramento’s comments to the media, on her attendance of a UN women’s conference, that: “There is a lot of work to be done in this field (women’s issues) given that this area was never one of concern for the previous administration”.

The Party notes that ‘sadly, the Minister for Equality finds it necessary to make gender issues in Gibraltar partisan, for the sake of scoring cheap political points. It is therefore appropriate at this juncture with the upcoming celebration of ‘International Women’s Day’ on Friday, and for the avoidance of doubt, to take a quick look back on all that the previous administration did achieve for women in Gibraltar:  

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Mar 07 - ESG Concerned Over Nuffield Pool Tourist Site Tender

esgThe Environmental Safety Group has today noted their surprise at the release of the Government tender for the development of a tourist and leisure site at Nuffield Pool.

The group insists that there was no mention of hotels or developments in this area; in the GSLP/ Liberal manifesto. Instead it stated that the Pool would be made available to the local community once it was handed back to the Gibraltar Government by the MoD

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Mar 07 - GSD Insist on Government Clarity Regarding Subsidised Therapies

ghaRegarding the matter of GHA subsidised therapies, the Opposition has insisted that the Government is once more ‘demonstrating a lack of appreciation of healthcare methodology’.

The party adds, ‘as has sadly become the usual style of the GSLP Government, they have again refused to deal with the issue and resorted to spin and personal insults rather than clear up for the electorate their policy on GHA-subsidised, but not (National Institute for Health & Clinical Evidence) NICE-approved, therapies.  When will the Government begin to answer questions put to them rather than maintaining their policy of ‘shooting the messenger’?'

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