• Joint Statement on the Progress of the EU-UK Agreement in Respect of Gibraltar
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Feb 18 - Cigarette Seizures

customsTwo Spanish nationals aged both 39 & 28, were arrested for the possession of 121,000 cigarettes on Sunday afternoon.

Both La Linea residents were seen acting suspiciously at the entrance to New Harbours Industrial Estate. A search of their vehicles resulted in the detection of 121,000 cigarettes. Investigation into the matter continues; meanwhile, the men have been bailed to surrender on March 14th. Both vehicles and cigarettes were seized by Customs.

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Feb 18 - PDP Condemns Spain’s Decision to Disregard Tax exchange Agreements Signed with Gibraltar

pdpThe PDP today notes with regret, but no surprise, that Spain has ‘taken its anti Gibraltar campaign in a new direction by directing, according to the Spanish press, its ambassadors to inform government officials around the world that Spain will not recognise any Tax Exchange Information Agreements signed with Gibraltar unless the UK is represented’.

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