• Joint Statement on the Progress of the EU-UK Agreement in Respect of Gibraltar
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Feb 13 - Young Artist 2013 Competition Exhibition Opening Boasts Impressive Turnout

artYesterday evening, Minister for Culture, Steven Linares officially opened the Young Artist 2013 Competition exhibition at the John Mackintosh Hall. A total of forty – nine artists submitted seventy-two works. The exhibition saw a great deal of interest from the local youth, with individuals as young as 14 years old submitting pieces.

Commenting on the competition, Minister Linares explained that the quality of the work continues to rise every year.

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Feb 13 - GSD Reveal Truth on Debentures and Public Finance

gsbThe GSD yesterday claimed that regarding the issue of Government Debentures and Public Finance. The Party claims that the Government has yet again sought to ‘play the man rather than the ball’.

The comment that the Leader of the Opposition does not understand public finance without dealing with any of the issues raised in our communiqué last week, which are genuinely of concern to Government debenture holders, is simply symptomatic of the way the Government habitually conduct politics.  They seem determined not to focus on the issues and properly explain their policy.

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Feb 12 - 2013 Gibraltar Drama Festival Programme

text news The Gibraltar Culture and Heritage Agency has today released the 2013 Gibraltar Drama Festival’s programme. The event will run from Tuesday 12th March to Saturday 16th March.

The Festival will begin on Tuesday at 8pm in the Bayside School Drama Studio, with the Bayside & Westside Drama Group’s production, ‘Going Underground’ a drama by Christopher Morgan; and their second production, ‘Flavius’ a drama by Julian Felice.

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Feb 12 - Government Launches Makaton Course

ygtvThe Ministry for Social Services, Ministry for Health and the Ministry for Education have been working together to bring about the delivery of a beginner’s Makaton course. The Makaton language is a multimodal approach to teaching a combination of speech, signs and graphic symbols specifically designed to provide a means of communication to people who cannot communicate efficiently by speaking.

This family-friendly vocabulary course has been organised following recent representations from parents of children who attend St Martin’s School to the Minister for Equality and Social Services, Samantha Sacramento.

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