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July 02 - Government Says That Principal Auditor “Confirms GSD Government Payments To GSD Minister’s Family”

The Government has issued the following statement:

- Confirmed that £221,250 paid for an expired licence to SP Butchers Ltd

- Confirmed that arrears of rent written off without proper authority on instructions from former Chief Minister

The Government has now received the report of the Principal Auditor into the payment by the GSD Government of almost half a million pounds (four hundred and eighty thousand pounds) to the family of Edwin Reyes in February 2008.

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Jul 02 - GSD Claims Government Continues to Deceive the Public on Public Finances

gsdIn response to the Government’s most recent statement on the state of public finances, which continues ‘to deceive the public’, the Opposition has insisted that the Chief Minister is using the Financial Secretary’s memo to ‘to create an entirely false picture that there was only £20 million left in the kitty in December 2011.   That coupled with the fact that during his reply at the time of the Budget he compared our public finances with those of La Linea, was calculated to create the impression that we were broke when he was elected into office and that he has performed a financial miracle in 18 months.’

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