• Joint Statement on the Progress of the EU-UK Agreement in Respect of Gibraltar
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Sep 17 - Charity Trek Success

vinets charity trekGenevieve and Fabian Vinet successfully completed their 50-kilometer Thames Path Challenge Trek on Saturday. Despite having set themselves a target of completing the Walk within twelve hours, they managed to finish the entire Challenge in exactly 10 hours and 30 minutes.

‘The faster pace did come at a price,’ explains Fabian. ‘At around the 26km mark the pain set in and after stopping for lunch at the 29km point, I was literally almost unable to move and for a few minutes thought Genevieve would have to continue without me. Thankfully the painkillers and muscle-relaxant spray helped, as did the adrenaline and determination, and so we managed to soldier on.’

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Sep 17 - Garcia Meets With Clegg on Gibraltar Issues

lib dem conference The Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia had the opportunity to discuss Gibraltar related matters with the Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg at the Liberal Democrat party conference in Glasgow. Dr Garcia was seated beside Mr Clegg during one of the conference dinners.

Dr Garcia took the opportunity to thank the Deputy Prime Minister for his own involvement in the issue by talking to his Spanish counterpart and expressed the gratitude of the Government and the people of Gibraltar at the staunch support which continues to be received from the UK Coalition Government of which the Liberal Democrats are a part.

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