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Feb 25 - Dr. Giraldi Inquiry to Issue Public Invitation for Evidence

govt crestIn December last year, an independent Inquiry was commissioned by the Government into Dr. Giraldi Home. The Terms of Reference of the Inquiry are to inquire into allegations of mismanagement, misconduct and malpractice (including abuse) at the Dr. Giraldi Home contained in witness statements intended to be relied on by Ms. Joanna Hernandez in connection with her claim of unfair dismissal by the Social Services Agency, as well as the conduct of the relevant authorities and agencies in response to, or otherwise in relation to, such allegations.

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Feb 22 - BabySTEPPs Host Successful Launch Event

babysteppsYesterday evening saw an extremely successful launch for newly formed charity, BabySTEPPS.

The fund, chaired by mother Kate Llufrio, aims to promote well being in pregnancy and childhood, support of those experiencing difficulties in their journey to parenthood, or in their child’s early development and research into the causes of pregnancy complications and baby loss. The charity’s Patron is Dr. David White.

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Feb 22 - Opposition Calls Upon Government for Firm Commitment on Housing

gsdIn response to the Government’s recent housing statement the GSD has insisted that they continue to fail to make any commitment in respect of exactly how many new homes for rental they will make available during their term in office.

The Party goes on to list a number of achievements that in respect of housing that they reached during their time in office, as retaliation to the Government’s claims that the GSD failed to provide a timely flow of houses.

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