• Gibraltar Reception At The Labour Party Conference
  • Gibraltar Reception At The Labour Party Conference

    Gibraltar’s representation at the Labour Party Conference continued yesterday evening with the Gibraltar Reception hosted by the Chief Minister Fabian Picardo and featuring a keynote speech by the UK Minister for Europe and the Overseas Territories Stephen Doughty MP. 

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  • Holland And Barrett Vitamins Gibraltar Offer

Mar 17 - The World Goes Green for St. Patrick's Day

st patricks day Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all! Celebrating the patron Saint of Ireland, St. Patrick, who was credited with bringing Christianity to Ireland, the festival is celebrated world wide, and often marked by donning Ireland’s national green colour and playing Irish music. Many take the opportunity to indulge in Irish drinks such as Guinness and Irish Whisky.

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Mar 17 - Damon Bossino Appointed GSD Deputy

damon bossino GSD member for Parliament, Damon Bossino has been hailed as the Opposition’s Deputy Leader. In an announcement made today by Leader Daniel Feetham, Mr. Bossino has also been given further shadow ministerial responsibilities for Financial Services.

Mr. Bossino insisted that his appointment was a great, but humbling honour. He added, ‘I will of course continue to discharge my Opposition parliamentary responsibilities and work hard to seek the GSD’s return to office.  Both the leader and I are very seriously concerned about the way that Gibraltar’s affairs are being handled both internally and in relation to our international relations, both being areas which, given Gibraltar’s size and circumstances, invariably overlap. 

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Mar 17 - Students Who Opt Out Of R.E Will Now Have Alternative GCSE

The Secular Humanist Society Gibraltar (SHSG) has announced that, as from this year, students who choose not to study R.E at GCSE will now be offered the alternative of a GCSE in General Studies. Although the group claims that this shows that R.E is no longer considered a ‘compulsory’ GCSE course, the Government has flatly denied this saying that it continues to be considered a core subject which remains compulsory for all pupils. It is only “in exceptional circumstances on the grounds of conscience or religious beliefs” that students may opt out of taking this subject.

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