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Nov 15 - FCO Welcomes EU Commission’s Frontier Recommendations But Deems Situation ‘Unacceptable’

fcoRegarding this afternoon’s announcement by the European Commission that their fact finding mission found no fault with Spanish border checks, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office have welcomed the recommendation that the Spanish Government should take measures to ensure that the frontier functions efficiently, as well as their decision to review the situation once again in six months.

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Nov 15 - EU Commission Finds No Fault in Spanish Frontier Checks and Suggests Better Dialogue Between Gibraltar and Spain

eu commissionFollowing the European Commission’s fact finding mission at the Gibraltar – Spain Frontier in September, the Commission today announced that letters have been sent to the authorities of Spain and the United Kingdom addressing the issues raised by the border and customs controls between Spain and Gibraltar.

The mission came about as a result of a gamut of complaints received by the Commission on unjust Spanish border controls that have resulted in extensive vehicle and pedestrian queues this year. The Commission reported that they have ‘not found evidence to conclude that the checks on persons and goods as operated by the Spanish authorities at the crossing point of La Línea de la Concepción have infringed the relevant provisions of Union law’.

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Nov 15 HMS Penzance Sails Into Gibraltar This Weekend

HMS PenzanceRoyal Navy minehunter HMS PENZANCE arrives in Gibraltar on Saturday for a short visit before heading back into the Mediterranean as part of the German-led multi-national maritime force ‘Standing NATO Mine Counter Measures Group 2’ (SNMCMG2),

HMS PENZANCE will conduct a maritime security patrol on her way into HM Naval Base and take the opportunity to stock up on fuel and supplies whilst here in Gibraltar.

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