• No Prosecutions — RGP Whistle-blower Investigation Update
  • No Prosecutions — RGP Whistle-blower Investigation Update

    The Royal Gibraltar Police (RGP) investigation into the allegation that ‘whistle-blowers’ were incentivised to provide evidence to the McGrail Inquiry “has not uncovered any evidence that meets the threshold for criminal prosecution for Misconduct in Public Office.”

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  • Holland And Barrett Vitamins Gibraltar Offer

Sep 12 - Garcia Criticises Spain for Politically Motivated Delays

interlibThe dispute with Gibraltar generated by the Spanish Government has made the front page of  ‘INTERLIB,’ which is the journal of the Liberal International British Group. The cover depicts a photograph of the historical re-enactment society with the headline ‘Falling in Behind the People of Gibraltar’.

This edition includes several contributions on international affairs, among them an article from the Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia entitled ‘Spain has turned its back on Gibraltar dialogue’.

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Sep 12 - HMS Penzance Visits the Rock

hms penzanceRoyal Navy minehunter HMS Penzance arrives in Gibraltar on Friday for a short visit before heading into the Mediterranean as part of the German-led multi-national maritime force ‘Standing NATO Mine Counter Measures Group 2’ (SNMCMG2),

The Faslane-based warship is the UK’s most up-to-date minehunter and is carrying out her first sea deployment since her six-month comprehensive refit programme. Her role is to neutralise underwater threats and clear the sea-lanes for shipping. HMS PENZANCE is one of seven Sandown-class minehunters.

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Sep 12 - Rain Expected this Weekend - Warns MET Office

newsThe MET Office has today warned that this weekend is likely to see the first rainfall after an extended dry period. The amount of rain is not expected to reach the criteria that would require the Met Office to issue a severe weather warning. Nevertheless the public, especially those who reside in premises that have patios and basements are advised to ensure that drains, gullies, etc. are clear of debris so as to avoid flooding.

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Sep 12 - Russian Missile Cruiser Passes Through Gibraltar Strait

russian missile cruiser Reports from the Russian Navy have have stated that the force’s Moskva missile cruiser this week passed through the Strait of Gibraltar on its way to the eastern Mediterranean to assume command of the Russian naval force.

The vessel, which has aptly been named a ‘carrier killer’ by NATO passed through the Strait this Tuesday. The Russian Navy unit, which is currently stationed on-board the Admiral Pantaleyev will be relocated to the Moskva upon its arrival on September 15th.

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