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Oct 30 - Picardo Confirms Full Repayment Of Threepwood Loan And Publishes GSD's “Shameful Secret Loans”

- Threepwood loan repaid with interest

- GSD “secret loan” documents disclosed

- £4m “lost by the taxpayer with GSD deals”

The Chief Minister says he has exposed the GSD’s “ongoing false and shallow attempts” to slur the Government’s management of finances by disclosing that the loan made by Credit Finance Company Ltd to Threepwood, the developer of the hotel planned for the Risso Bakery site, “has been fully repaid.”

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Oct 29 - Government Reports Progress On Marine Renewables

Representatives from Blue Shark Power have been visiting Gibraltar again, this time to conduct oceanographic studies in British Gibraltar Territorial Waters. Experts from Énergie de la Lune (an engineering firm specialising in marine renewable energy oceanography) accompanied by officials from the Department of the Environment & Climate Change, have been surveying the southern waters of Gibraltar in order to determine the most promising locations for potential deployment of marine current technology. Using an acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP), the team have been measuring water current velocities over a depth range to identify the sites which have the strongest currents.

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Oct 29 – Remembrance Sunday Arrangements Announced

Her Majesty The Queen has approved that Sunday 8th November will be observed as Remembrance Sunday. This year, as last year, the Ceremony of Remembrance will be held at the British War Memorial on Line Wall Road, opposite City Hall, at noon. The Government of Gibraltar, which organises the ceremony, has committed itself to returning the Ceremony to the Cross of Sacrifice once the airport tunnel is in use.

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