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Nov 25 - Road Traffic Collision - Update

Officers investigating the road traffic collision which took place in the afternoon of Sunday the 23rd of November 2014 have now arrested a 24 year old male on suspicion of Dangerous Driving. He was later released on police bail. At the time of his arrest the man was no longer receiving hospital treatment.

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Nov 25 - United Nations International Day For The Elimination Of Violence Against Women

A message from Samantha Sacramento, Minister for Equality, Social Services and the Elderly.

Today has been designated by the United Nations as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. The aim of the day is to raise public awareness that women around the world are subject to domestic violence. I would, however, like to make the point domestic violence does not exclusively relate to women, though statistics do show that they do comprise the majority of victims. As Minister for Equality, I would like to update you on developments during the year.

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