• Garcia updates Liberal Democrats as conference season begins
  • Garcia updates Liberal Democrats as conference season begins

    The Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia has said that although Gibraltar prefers a treaty to govern our relationship with the European Union, there are fundamental red lines which the Government is not prepared to cross in order to achieve it. Dr Garcia was speaking in Brighton today at the annual party conference of the U.K. Liberal Democrats. 

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  • Holland And Barrett Vitamins Gibraltar Offer

Jun 24 - GSD Announces “Enhanced Democracy” Policy Proposals

The GSD has announced a raft of policy measures designed to remove the electorate's “sense of detachment” from local politics and increase government accountability. The changes, which the GSD has committed itself to implementing if elected next year, seek to introduce a series of checks and balances on government power and ensure that the opposition and the public are more involved in the way Gibraltar is run.

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Jun 24 - An Opinion Piece On The “Viajando con Chester” Gibraltar Programme


By Rafael Rossello Cuervas Mons

No voy a entrar en valorar al “publicista”, como él mismo se denomina, Risto Mejide que a mí, particularmente, me pone de los nervios, como decimos en Andalucía, pero sí a comentar su último programa sobre Gibraltar donde, bajo mi punto de vista, hemos podido “disfrutar” de diversos puntos de vista y, lo más importante, de los escasos, por no decir nulos, conocimientos y facilidad de razonar de algunos de los que en él intervinieron. Para mí fue como el partido Holanda España: nos tumbaron por goleada; me refiero a la versión oficial española sobre Gibraltar que, todo sea dicho de paso, nunca se ha sustentado, y es más, se dibujaron perfectamente los estereotipos de los jugadores de una forma patética.

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Jun 24 - Government Regrets Inconvenience Caused By Yesterday’s Bomb Scare

The Government has said that it regrets the inconvenience to people crossing the frontier yesterday morning as a result of the bomb scare in the area. The matter was, according ti the Government, “expertly handled” by the Gibraltar Emergency Services. However, a number of tourists and commuting workers were unable to reach their destinations on time as it was not possible to put into place the necessary security measures without causing queues.

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