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May 21 - Feetham Moves Motion for Government Fishing Announcement

parliament Opposition Leader Daniel Feetham has given notice on to propose to move a motion in Parliament, calling on the Government to provide ‘an immediate comprehensive statement to the House as to its intentions in relation to the regulation of fishing in British Gibraltar Territorial Waters and whether it intends to require members of the La Linea and Algeciras Cofradias to apply for licenses in Gibraltar to fish with nets in BGTW’

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May 21 - RGP Assist in RHIB Chase

rgpThe Royal Gibraltar Police Marine Section was yesterday caught up in a chase at sea, whilst assisting the Guardia Civil.

At approximately 7.20 pm in the evening a Rigid Hulled Inflatable Boat (RHIB), being chased by a Guardia Civil fast patrol vessel, was detected by the RGP travelling south along the Bay of Gibraltar.

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