• Joint Statement on the Progress of the EU-UK Agreement in Respect of Gibraltar
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Feb 12 - Chief Minister Wants to Inspire the Next Generation with Trips to Brussels

brussels Today marked the last working day in the Chief Minister’s Brussels Trip. The Gibraltar delegation have had over 20 meetings in the space of 48 hours, a tightly packed schedule which included working lunches and dinners since they arrived. The Deputy Chief Minister, Dr Joseph Garcia said that the recent trips to Brussels by concerned citizens had really made an impact and gave the Commission a different view point.

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Feb 12 - GSD Highlights Government Criticisms of GHA Complaints System

gsdThe response by the Minister for Health to the criticism of blatant cronyism in the appointment of so many GSLP activists to the GHA Complaints Panel is just another example of how this so called ‘New Dawn’ Government has paid lip service to its transparency agenda as if they never stood on the “time for change” ticket at the last election, claims the Opposition.

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