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Oct 08 - Cortes Outlines Government Use of GIS to Overseas Territories Conference

overseas territories gis conferenceThis morning, Environment Minister Dr John Cortes welcomed a delegation of local and Overseas Territories representatives to a conference discussing Geographical Information Systems in UK Overseas Territories.

Highlighting the significance of GIS, Dr. Cortes insisted that mapping had been around for centuries, with the practice of using maps to understand spatial patterns not covering anything new. He added that GIS plays a critical role in the management of both the natural and urban environment, and benefits organizations of all sizes both in the private and public sector.

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Oct 08 - BabySTEPPS Maternity Ward Donation

babysteppsLocal Charity BabySTEPPs aims to lend support and care to new parents suffering bereavement following baby loss. The charity has this year raised over £10,000, earmarking 10% of this for research into pregnancy health. These funds have been donated the ‘RESCUE’ project, which studies the best way to treat women who are threatened with premature labour at a stage in pregnancy where delivery would mean that the baby could not survive.

Thanks to financial support provided by the Kusuma Trust, the charity partook in a 3-day training session with a senior member of UK charity SANDS, which deals with Stillbirth and Neonatal Death.

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