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Sep 19 Change Of Governor Of Gibraltar

Lieutenant-General Sir James Benjamin DuttonLieutenant-General Sir James Benjamin Dutton KCB CBE has been appointed Governor of Gibraltar in succession to Vice-Admiral Sir Adrian Johns KCB CBE. Sir James will take up his appointment during December 2013.

Sir James completed a full career of 37 years in the Royal Marines. His last ten years were dominated by Iraq and Afghanistan, either serving in those countries or dealing with the policy and operational issues from London and Washington DC. On retirement in 2010 he joined the Bechtel Corporation and has spent the last two and a half years as the Programme Director in Gabon in West Africa, latterly as the Director-General of the infrastructure development agency working directly for the Presidency.

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Sep 18 British Lines Road Arrests

customsTwo men were arrested by HM Customs yesterday evening at British Lines Road under the provisions of the Tobacco Act. The men were seen in a commercial vehicle approaching the frontier fence when they were challenged by Customs officers and the vehicle searched.

40,000 cigarettes (200 cartons) were found during the search.

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Sep 18 - Ellul-Hammond Misses the Point – Claims Sacramento

samantha sacramentoResponding to the GSD’s most recent statement regarding room sizes in the Dementia and Alzheimer’s facility, the Government has noted that Opposition spokesperson Mrs. Isobel Ellul-Hammond is obviously seeking to confuse the public ‘But it is glaringly obvious that Mrs Ellul-Hammond is seeking to confuse the public when she refers to comments made by Minister Cortes in relation to the mental health hospital – a completely different facility.’

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