• Joint Statement on the Progress of the EU-UK Agreement in Respect of Gibraltar
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Sep 12 - Feetham Backs Government on Fishing Legislation Amendments and ‘Ad Hoc’ Talks With Spanish Government

feethamThis evening Opposition Leader Daniel Feetham released a statement on the party’s view of current events. During recent weeks the Party has reserved its opinions on the on-going dispute with Spain, in order to allow the Government to work towards fixing the issue.

Mr. Feetham today touches upon the Party’s view that the Chief Minister should meet with Spanish fishermen to explain legislation changes face to face.

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Sep 13 - Spain Insists Extensive Frontier Checks are Normal at this Time of Year – Says President Barroso

barrosoDuring a question and answer session hosted yesterday between EU Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso and EU citizens, Gibraltarian Tony Evans posed the question ‘When will the EU take firm action against the politically motivated frontier checks, used by Spain against Gibraltar?’

Euronews Journalist Thomas Seymat, who surveyed and processed questions, insisted that they had received a huge number of questions on Gibraltar. In his response, President Barroso noted that the Commission will send a mission to the frontier very soon, although a date has still not been set. He explained that the issue had been discussed with Prime Ministers of both the UK and Spain.

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Sep 13 - ERG Urges UK Government to Consider George Cross for Gibraltar

ggrEquality Rights Group has welcomed the positive response given to a Parliamentary Question at Westminster tabled by MP Oliver Colvile, a supporter of the George Cross for Gibraltar campaign, regarding the award.

‘Government Commons Speaker Leader Andrew Lansley confirmed his prior awareness of the Campaign, adding that the British Government will be giving careful consideration to this honorary award for Gibraltar,’ Chairman Felix Alvarez added.

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