• Joint Statement on the Progress of the EU-UK Agreement in Respect of Gibraltar
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Jul 22 - Duchess of Cambridge in 'Early Stages of Labour'

kate middletonThis morning an official announcement was made via the British Monarchy’s website and social media profiles stating that ‘ Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge has been admitted to St. Mary’s Hospital, Paddington, London in the early stages of labour.’ The statement adds that the Duchess travelled by car from Kensington Palace, to the Lindo Wing of St. Mary’s, with The Duke of Cambridge.

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Jul 22 - Picardo To Sunday Express: “We Need Greater Royal Naval Presence”

The Sunday Express yesterday carried a story on Fabian Picardo’s call for a larger Royal Navy presence to combat the increasingly assertive Spanish incursions into British Gibraltar territorial waters. The report, with the title “Send Us Gunboats”, said that Mr Picardo had explained that, although Spain will not go as far as staging an invasion, there could nevertheless be “consequences to British sovereignty” if UK Naval assets weren’t beefed up in the near future. He said that the two small patrol boats stationed in Gibraltar were not sufficient to send the clear message that “these are very clearly British Gibraltar territorial waters.”

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Jul 22 - Gold for Santos Productions in European Choir Games

santos productions choir This weekend the Santos Productions Choir won two gold medals at the European Choir Games held in Austria. The awards were presented for two winning performances in the Gospel and Spiritual category, as well as the Pop and Jazz category.

The performances were received with standing ovations from the judges. Culture Minister Steven Linares sent the team a warm congratulations on Saturday, noting that ‘ on behalf of Her Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar, and indeed, the people of Gibraltar, I would like to congratulate the Santos Choir for their great results at the European Games.

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