• Joint Statement on the Progress of the EU-UK Agreement in Respect of Gibraltar
  • Holland And Barrett Vitamins Gibraltar Offer

Jul 18 - Minister Sacramento In UK For Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians Meeting

The Minister for Equality, Social Services and the Elderly, Samantha Sacramento, has attended a meeting in London as a member of the Steering Committee of Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP). The CWP was founded by women delegates in 1989 in order that women could discuss ways to increase female representation in Parliament and work towards the mainstreaming of gender considerations in all Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) activities and programmes.

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Jul 18 - Compulsory Motorcycle Training

The Ministry of Traffic, Housing and Technical Services wishes to inform the General Public that, as from 1st September 2013, persons wishing to apply for a learner’s licence in respect of mopeds or motorcycles will have to undertake a Compulsory Basic Training Course. This course will ensure that every person receives basic instruction on safe use and demonstrates a minimum level of skill.

It follows that a person may undertake Module 1 “Theoretical Training” and Module 2 “On Site Practical Training” once they attain the age of 16 years and 6 months. However, Module 3, which is conducted on public roads, can only be completed once a person attains the age of 17 years old.

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Jul 18 - Youth Exchange Programme 2014

Next summer, the Youth Centre aims to participate in an international youth exchange programme and it is already begun to raise funds for this activity. On Saturday 6th July tickets for a raffle were sold outside Morrisons to raise cash for this and other upcoming youth projects.

These fundraising events themselves are invaluable vehicles which encourage and foster teamwork as well as helping to build and improve the self-confidence of the young people who participate in these events, particularly as they involve dealing with the public and fellow workers.

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Jul 18 - Auditor's Report Outlines OEM Government Loan Debacle

newsA Principal Auditor’s report, commissioned last year by the Government, regarding payments made by the Government to the OEM Group of Companies and Haymills (Gibraltar) Limited, was tabled in Parliament this morning.

The report follows a press release issued by the Gibraltar Government last year, suggesting that the former administration had made payments to OEM (International) Ltd (OEM) and Haymills (Gibraltar) Ltd (Haymills) in respect of a number of south district developments, that were used to pay creditors of the three developments. The Government repossessed the sites from the OEM group in December 2007.

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