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July 01 - Work In Gorham's Cave Starts Next Week – Vanguard Cave Progress Update

The annual excavations at Gorham’s Cave commence next week but scientists have already been working in Vanguard Cave, sister cave to Gorham’s, for about a month and with spectacular results.

The excavations at Vanguard Cave commenced in 2012. Previously, small- scale soundings had indicated the site’s potential. Radio-carbon results from last year revealed that the youngest levels at this site were on the limit of radio- carbon dating, over 40 thousand years ago (kyr), which meant that the entire 17- metre deep sequence would have to be dated by other means. Sampling has been done this year for dating sand grains using the technique of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL); the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, and the Gibraltar Museum came to a collaborative agreement recently and samples have been taken from the areas so far excavated. This will permit us to know the time frame that Vanguard Cave represents.

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Jul 01 - Chief Minister Visits New KGV Facility

picardoChief Minister Fabian Picardo today paid the new KGV Hospital a visit, in order to observe progress on the building works. Guiding a selection of ministers, including Dr. Cortes, Minister Sacramento and Dr. Garcia, around the site, Christopher Chipolina outlined the plans for the new facility with work still in its early stages.

One noteworthy addition to the building was the implementation of safety doors on each bedroom, which will allow for staff members to unlock a side panel on the doorframe if service users were to barricade the door from inside their bedroom.

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