• Joint Statement on the Progress of the EU-UK Agreement in Respect of Gibraltar
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Jun 27 - Chief Minister to Host Bayside 40th Anniversary Reception

baysideIn celebration of Bayside Comprehensive School’s 40th anniversary the Chief Minister is set to host a reception for all past and present teachers of the school, at Grand Battery House at 8pm on Monday 8th July.

Bayside’s life initially started in a separate building in September 1972, under the Headship of Brother J Hopkins. St Jago's School, Lourdes School and the Grammar School at Sacred Heart Terrace were eventually moved in to the present building as Bayside Comprehensive School. Eight Headteachers and 40 years on it still functions as a very successful educational institution.

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June 27 - GSD Opposition Member Ellul-Hammond’s Budget Speech - Full Text


Mr Speaker, it gives me great pleasure to address Parliament as Opposition Spokesman for Health, Social Services and Civil Contingencies.  It is both a duty and an honour for us on the Opposition benches to contribute to, and vote, on this vital discharge of the responsibility of Parliament.

And what a year this has been Mr Speaker, a year in which the GSD opposition has held the Government to account on behalf of the people of Gibraltar.  A year where the GSD Opposition has questioned Government policy where appropriate, occasionally even getting an answer to those questions.  A year of positive and effective Opposition.

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Jun 27 - Gibraltar Represented at IDO Annual Conference

seamus ido web team Gibraltar National Dance Organisation President Seamus Byrne recently represented Gibraltar at the 2013 International Dance Organisations’ annual conference, held in Portroz, Slovenia. Seamus took the opportunity to team up with the newly appointed Web Team IDO, which is made up of IDO Vice President Michael Wednt and Gaynor Johnson who are responsible for the official IDO webpage and Facebook page. Seamus currently acts as the administrator for the IDO Youtube page.

Seamus was invited by the IDO President, Jorn Strobraten from Norway to give a presentation on IDO YouTube to all member nations present at the event that included 32 countries from 4 continents.

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Jun 27 - Governor Insists Jet Ski Incident was ‘Completely Unacceptable’

jet ski incidentFollowing the recent and extensive coverage of Sunday’s incursion incident involving Guardia Civil Vessel ‘Rio Cedena’ and a local jet ski pilot, His Excellency the Governor has insisted that it ‘was clearly an unlawful incursion and a very serious incident which has been corroborated by video footage now in the public domain.  The discharge of a firearm presents serious risks to the safety of us all.  Such reckless action could have had dire consequences and led to an escalation that we all want to avoid.’

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