• No Prosecutions — RGP Whistle-blower Investigation Update
  • No Prosecutions — RGP Whistle-blower Investigation Update

    The Royal Gibraltar Police (RGP) investigation into the allegation that ‘whistle-blowers’ were incentivised to provide evidence to the McGrail Inquiry “has not uncovered any evidence that meets the threshold for criminal prosecution for Misconduct in Public Office.”

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  • Holland And Barrett Vitamins Gibraltar Offer

July 01 - Government Says The GSD “Continues To Show A Complete Disregard For People With Alzheimer’s And Dementia”

The Government has issued the following statement:

It is incredible that the GSD are still of the opinion that they would have continued with their plans for Dementia Residential Unit at the Royal Naval Hospital site had they remained in Government.

Opposition spokesperson for Social Services, Mrs Isobel Ellul-Hammond, brazenly stated in Parliament during the course of her budget address that the GSD's plans for this place were perfectly acceptable and well within the guidelines and recommendations for NHS registered elderly homes and, had they continued in office, they would have continued with the facility as planned. She says that the single rooms measuring 9.62m2 are an accepted size for the restoration of an existing historical building.

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July 01 - Unite The Union Welcomes Budget

A statement from Unite the Union:

Unite the Union has welcomed this year’s budget announced by Chief Minister Fabian Picardo in Parliament last week.

Unite the Union is fully aware and conscious of the disastrous economic situation that the vast majority of European Countries are going through, because of the strict austerity measures being implemented as a consequence of the present International economic crisis.

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July 01 - Police Authority Annual Report

The members of the Gibraltar Police Authority (GPA) were recently invited by the Royal Gibraltar Police (RGP) Senior Management Team to a presentation where they set out the extent to which the targets set in their Annual Policing Plan for the year ended 31 March 2013 had been met. Having analysed the data contained in the RGP's self-assessment of the Annual Policing Plan the GPA has now, in accordance with the provisions of Section 10 of the Police Act 2006 the Gibraltar Police Authority (GPA), produced its Annual Report for the policing year in review.

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July 01 - Temporary Turbines Have “Positive Effect” On South District Air Quality

In January the Government deployed temporary turbines in the North Mole in order to give Gibraltar enough capacity to cover its electricity needs. Since then, say the Government, any power cuts have not been due to lack of generating capacity but mainly due to the aging infrastructure which had not been properly maintained, a problem that is now finally being addressed.

Following this, the two old power stations in the South District have been switched off at night. The Department of the Environment has now analysed the data from two air quality monitoring stations in the South District, one at Rosia Road and another at Witham's Road.

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