• No Prosecutions — RGP Whistle-blower Investigation Update
  • No Prosecutions — RGP Whistle-blower Investigation Update

    The Royal Gibraltar Police (RGP) investigation into the allegation that ‘whistle-blowers’ were incentivised to provide evidence to the McGrail Inquiry “has not uncovered any evidence that meets the threshold for criminal prosecution for Misconduct in Public Office.”

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  • Holland And Barrett Vitamins Gibraltar Offer

May 22 - Small Boat Marina Project to 'Give the People Back the Waterfront'

marinaAs part of another of the Government’s flagship projects, Minister Licudi today announced that the 700-berth small boat marina project, as promised in the GSLP-Liberals’ manifesto, will be constructed in the Mid-Harbour area by May 2015. Included into the plan is a caisson vertical wall design wharf ,which will provide berthing and facilities for super yachts.

The project will include 400 six metre and 300 eight metre finger pontoon berths and will be secured by electrical and water points and CCTV cameras. The scheme came about as a result of discussions between an Inter-ministerial Committee made up of Environment Minister, Dr. John Cortes, Tourism Minister Neil Costa, and Justice Minister Gilbert Licudi, with a substantial input for project manager Chris Riddell.

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May 22 - Power Cut This Morning

elecThere was a massive power outage affecting 14 districts earlier this morning. The outage occurred just before 11.00am with the last consumers having power restored by 11.33am. Many Main Street traders had to suspend business during a period when the town centre was packed with cruise passengers and other tourists.

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May 22 - Childline Appeal for Support this Friday

childlineChildline are appealing for support during this Friday’s flag day. A spokesperson said that if they manage to raise £5,000 this amount would be enough to fund their telephone helpline service for around six months, meaning that the charity can help about 300 children in Gibraltar. A spokesperson urged the public: “Please help us on Friday when you see us shaking our collection tins!”

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May 22 - Chief Minister’s Reply to Cameron’s Letter

govcrestThe Chief Minister Fabian Picardo has today replied to the letter sent by David Cameron which outlined the UK Government’s concerns about tax avoidance in the UK’s Overseas Territories.

In his reply, Mr Picardo told Mr Cameron that Gibraltar has, “acting in the spirit of partnership with the UK outlined in your White Paper on the Overseas Territories, already undertaken to form part of a group of British jurisdictions setting the standards on tax information exchange and accessibility to information on beneficial ownership.”

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