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Apr 25 - MOD Conservation Initiative Launched

cbf dr cortes Commander British Forces Commodore John Clink and Minister for Environment Dr John Cortes this week officially signed an Integrated Rural Management Plan (IRMP) that covers the whole of the MOD sites in Gibraltar including Buffadero Training Camp.

The MOD has been progressively developing an integrated management planning approach since 1995 and it is MOD policy to ensure that natural environment issues are fully integrated with operational and training requirements and highlighted safety issues.

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Apr 25 European Association of Airport and Seaport Police

The European Association of Airport and Seaport PoliceThe European Association of Airport and Seaport Police have held their 40th annual conference at the Caleta Hotel this week, hosted by the Royal Gibraltar Police.

The association’s general meeting has also taken place during the session in Gibraltar. On the agenda were elections to the Executive Committee of the association. A number of vacancies arose this year including that of president, a role fulfilled for the past five years by retired Assistant Chief Constable Mr John Donlon, former Coordinator of Ports Policing, in the United Kingdom.

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Apr 24 - Traffic Noise Mapping Process to Include Public Consultation

noiseThe Government has reconvened the Noise Core Steering Group for the first time since it first met in 2008. The Steering Group, chaired by the Minister for the Environment, Dr John Cortes, with the Minister for Public Transport, Neil Costa and the Minister for Traffic, Paul Balban, is made up of Government Officials and representatives of the Environment Agency. It was set up in order to drive the requirements of the Environmental (Assessment & Management of Noise) Regulations 2006, but had become defunct in 2008. These Regulations gave effect in Gibraltar to the European Directive relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise.

The Directive, commonly known as the European Noise Directive (END), is intended to provide a common approach across the European Union to avoid, prevent and reduce, on a prioritised basis, the harmful effects of exposure to environmental noise. Under the Directive, it is a requirement for Member States to produce strategic noise maps.

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