• Joint Statement on the Progress of the EU-UK Agreement in Respect of Gibraltar
  • Holland And Barrett Vitamins Gibraltar Offer

Apr 09 - Sustainable Traffic Plan – Data Collection Period to Heavily Involve the Public

press callAs part of the Government’s on-going Sustainable Traffic plan, the Department of Traffic will be carrying out a 10 week data collection period that will include volunteers from a number of Government departments carrying out roadside interviews with vehicle drivers, pedestrians and those taking public transport. They will also carry out door-to-door surveys.

The aim of the data collection, insisted Minister for Traffic, Paul Balban, is to address a worsening problem that Gibraltar is too small for its amount of traffic. Also involved in the initiative are Ministers for the Environment and Tourism John Cortes and Neil Costa.

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Apr 09 - Banker’s Association Donates Smart Boards to Comprehensive Schools

licudiThe Gibraltar Banker’s Association recently donated three ‘smart boards’ costing over £7,000 to both of Gibraltar’s Comprehensive Schools and the Gibraltar College. Christian Garcia of the Association this morning joined the head teachers of Westside, Bayside and the Gibraltar College in watching a class in motion, whilst using the smart board.

The interactive board allows students to get more involved in a lesson and helps to retain their interest.

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Apr 09 - 24 Hour Charity Run

24 hourFour members of the Gibraltar Regiment this week participated in an endurance challenge covering a full 24-hour continuous treadmill run, which began at 10am. Members of British Forces Gibraltar raised £2084.10 in aid of a Children’s Hospital in Rabat.

The team, made up of Sgt Aaron Smith, Sgt Stephan Llufrio, Cpl Chris Milliken and LCpl Jack Nichols, ran a total of 203 kms. Each soldier ran for an hour on the treadmill, took an hour break and then spent two hours walking around the crowds with the collecting buckets. With them for the whole 24-hour period was RAF Flt Sgt Mick Chapple who looked after the runners.

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Apr 09 - Cameron Meets with Rajoy Over Spain UK Issues

david cameronUK Prime Minister, David Cameron this week met with Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy to discuss matters affecting both Spain and the UK. Spanish Daily Europa Sur insisted that the meeting raised the issue of the dispute between Spain and the UK and matters of forming a new framework of dialogue between the two countries.

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office issued a notice today claiming that the meeting was not about Gibraltar, although the matter was raised briefly. The FCO added that the UK’s position on the matter of Gibraltar sovereignty has not changed, they will never enter into arrangements under which the people of Gibraltar would pass under the sovereignty of another State, against their wishes.

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