• Garcia updates Liberal Democrats as conference season begins
  • Garcia updates Liberal Democrats as conference season begins

    The Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia has said that although Gibraltar prefers a treaty to govern our relationship with the European Union, there are fundamental red lines which the Government is not prepared to cross in order to achieve it. Dr Garcia was speaking in Brighton today at the annual party conference of the U.K. Liberal Democrats. 

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  • Holland And Barrett Vitamins Gibraltar Offer

Mar 14 - Experienced Ambulance Staff Awarded Queen Elizabeth Jubilee Medals

ambulance staff medalsTwenty-eight proud members of the Ambulance Service with experience ranging from between six to fourteen years of ambulance work were presented the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee medal on the 13th March at Bleak House by the Minister for Health John Cortes.

The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal is a commemorative medal created in 2011 to mark the 60th anniversary of the accession to the throne of Queen Elizabeth II. As part of the Queen’s Jubilee, emergency service personnel that have completed 5 full calendar years of service on 5th February 2012 qualify for the Queen’s Jubilee medal.

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Mar 14 - Senior Citizens Complete ICT Course

senior citizens ict Minister for Education, Gilbert Licudi, presented ICT basic competency certificates to a group of Senior Citizens last Thursday after they had successfully completed a five week course on the basics of ICT, which included the World Wide Web and internet use, emailing and some standard office packages.

The Minister explained that these certificates showcased education as a lifelong learning process and showed that it was never too late to keep abreast of new technologies.

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