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Mar 12 - GSD Urges Government Not to Forget Alameda Estate

gsdThe GSD has recently claimed that residents of Alameda House have on numerous occasions over the last year registered complaints at the GSD offices regarding the terrible state and total unreliability of the lifts in their building.

The Opposition insist that the residents, ‘most of whom are senior citizens and include wheelchair users, have once more brought to our notice the fact that the lifts, particularly the one at the northern end of the block, give such cause for concern that they are afraid to use them even when they have been 'temporarily repaired’.

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Mar 12 - Central Police Station Counter Service to Close at Night

central police stationIn a bid to maximise the number of uniformed officers on the beat, a counter service will no longer be provided at Central Police Station between the hours of 10pm at night and 8am in the morning. The exception will be on Friday nights when the counter service will be provided throughout.

Members of the public wishing to make a report in person during those hours should attend the counter at New Mole House Police Station where a twenty- four hour service will be provided.

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Mar 12 - GPA Survey Reveals Public are Most Concerned with Drug Use and Underage Drinking

police authorityThe results of the Gibraltar Police Authority’s Public Consultation Survey for 2012 and 2013 have bee published by the authority and can be found on the website at www.gpa.gi. Almost one thousand completed questionnaires were received from a wide cross section of the community.

It is noted that the public’s overall satisfaction of the service provided by the RGP remains high and that almost two-thirds of the respondents agreed with the priorities as set out in the GPA Annual Policing Plan 2011-12.

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