• Joint Statement on the Progress of the EU-UK Agreement in Respect of Gibraltar
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Mar 05 - Environment Department Representatives Attend EU Climate Change Event

environmentThe Department of the Environment’s Catherine Walsh and Janine Galliano, as representatives of the Gibraltar Adaptation Working Group, travelled to Ancona, Italy, last week to present the interim results of the climate change adaptation work being carried out in Gibraltar.

The event was also attended by other participating cities in the EU Cities Adapt project as well as representatives from DG CLIMA (the European Union’s Directorate-General for Climate Action). Gibraltar was selected as one of the 21 cities to form part of this project, which is fully funded by the European Union.

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Mar 05 - Lib Dems Deputy Leader Mentions Gibraltar in Eastleigh Win Address

lib dem winLong-term friend of Gibraltar and Deputy Leader of Liberal Democrats, Simon Hughes, held a dinner to celebrate thirty years as Constituent MP for Bermondsey and Old Southwark, recently.

The win by the Liberals in Eastleigh added a jubilant atmosphere to the evening. Mr Albert Poggio, United Kingdom Representative of H.M. Government of Gibraltar, represented the Government and Dr Joseph Garcia.

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Mar 05 - RGP Launch Recruitment Campaign

rgp recruitmentThe RGP has officially launched their Recruitment campaign for the force’s 2013 intake. This year, the police will make full use of social media in order to further publicise the initiative.

A maximum of 12 recruits will join the force following the selection process, which includes a weekend of intense training and learning the ins and outs of working for the Police. Applicants must have lived in Gibraltar for at least 3 years and have a minimum of 5 GCSE passes, including English Language. Chief Inspector Caruana explained that applicants must possess a strong sense of community and spirit, and must be disciplined.

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Mar 05 - 31 Years of Service

retirementThe Commander British Forces recently presented a leaving gift to Yvonne Taylor, who retired from the Civil Service after 31 years of service.

Yvonne is well known for her vivacious personality and the CBF thanked her for all her hard work noting that “everywhere you have been you will have brought a sense of fun and humour and you brighten our day with your enthusiasm for life.”

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