• Garcia updates Liberal Democrats as conference season begins
  • Garcia updates Liberal Democrats as conference season begins

    The Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia has said that although Gibraltar prefers a treaty to govern our relationship with the European Union, there are fundamental red lines which the Government is not prepared to cross in order to achieve it. Dr Garcia was speaking in Brighton today at the annual party conference of the U.K. Liberal Democrats. 

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  • Holland And Barrett Vitamins Gibraltar Offer

Apr 29 - Picardo Congratulates RGP Commissioner on EAASP Presidency

yome Chief Minister Fabian Picardo has sent his congratulations to Commissioner Eddie Yome on being elected President of the European Association of Airport and Seaport Police. The election was held during the Association’s two-day conference held last week at the Caleta Hotel.

Commissioner Yome has been a member of the Association for five years and has recently been a Vice-President on Aviation matters. He now takes on the presidency for a three-year term and he will preside over his first conference in Dubrovnik next year. In his new role he will automatically be a member of the International Association of Airports and Seaports Police and he will report personally to various EU organisations when submitting research and bids for future projects.

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Apr 29 - Minister Sacramento Furthers Equality Agenda in London

samantha sacramentoSamantha Sacramento, Minister for Equality and Social Services is in London this week furthering the Government’s Equality Agenda.

The Minister last week met with Minister Helen Grant, the Joint Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice and for Women and Equality Issues. The Ministers discussed issues common to their portfolio and shared experiences and information on the matter.

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Apr 29 - Mid Harbours Committee Express Desire to Work with the Housing Department

mid harbours The Mid Harbour Estate Committee have once again written an open letter to the press following a recent statement released by the Government, defending their position on the state of the Estate. The Committee insists that there is no person or certain individual seeking to spread misinformation and distort reality’.  They claim that they have always expressed their desire to work with the Government and the Housing Department for the benefit of the Estate.

The committee statement continues, ‘because of the perceived lack of interest, initiative, communication and action by Government Departments, the Committee felt that its only option was to resort to the media. If nothing else, our Press Release has served one purpose; to inspire some lively debate! We hope and trust that its PRIME purpose will come to fruition as well!! That is, to illicit POSITIVE responses from a Government Department seemingly in the grip of inertia, in order to rectify the problems inherent in the Estate. It has never been the intention of the Committee to score ‘brownie points’. There are MANY on the estate with grievances but most, if not all are happy and thankful for their homes.’

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