• Gibraltar Reception At The Labour Party Conference
  • Gibraltar Reception At The Labour Party Conference

    Gibraltar’s representation at the Labour Party Conference continued yesterday evening with the Gibraltar Reception hosted by the Chief Minister Fabian Picardo and featuring a keynote speech by the UK Minister for Europe and the Overseas Territories Stephen Doughty MP. 

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  • Holland And Barrett Vitamins Gibraltar Offer

May 17 - ESG Voice Concerns Over New Power Station

esgThe ESG has today voiced concern over the Government's proposed power station plans, which went out to tender earlier this month. In a statement released this afternoon, the Group explains that they feel it is important to state thier position clearly. They note, 'In broad terms we favour the decision by Government to construct a state of the art, environmentally friendly station based on best practice and best available technology and this is what we are supporting. There are a number of variables not yet known that could influence the environmental performance criteria: this include piston engines, combustion gas turbines, or steam turbines via a boiler heated by gas.

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May 17 - International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia Celebrated with GGR Rally

idahoDuring this morning’s International Day Against Homophobia Rally, organized by the GGR, Minister Sacramento highlighted her position as the first Minister for Equality in a Gibraltarian Government. The event saw live music performed by Sista Dee and Keiron Lynch and boasted an impressive attendance, with Union leaders, Opposition members, RGP Commissioner Eddie Yome, members of the PDP and Chief Minister Fabian Picardo joining the speakers on the platform.

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May 17 - Unite Sees 100% Vote in Favour of Elderly Services Parity with GHA

uniteOver the course of 2 days, Unite the Union members within Elderly Services have participated in a ballot regarding the re-establishment of the parity that had previously existed with regards to the GHA, insofar as salary, terms and conditions.

This afternoon a ballot count, overseen by Steven Sanchez LLB from Kenneth Navas Barristers and Solicitors, resulted in a unanimous decision to accept the proposals that had been presented by the Government to the Elderly Services workforce, following negotiations with Unite the Union. 99% of unionised staff voted in the ballot, 100% of the votes resulted in the acceptance of the proposals. As a consequence of the negotiations Unite membership rose by 26%.

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May 17 - GSD Claims Government Spin is 'Out of Control'

gsdThe GSD has today said that the attempt by the Government to justify refusing to answer questions on the Washington visit on grounds that it has been “seized upon by our nation’s political opponents” is nothing more than another smokescreen to justify closing the shutters on legitimate Opposition questions.  This unfortunately is becoming a habit for this “New Dawn” Government.

The Opposition has also said that if “our nation’s political opponents” have “seized upon” anything it is the Government’s own spin in relation to the visit that clearly run out of control following the Government’s Press Release headlined “Chief Minister Meets President Obama During Washington Visit” on 23rd January 2013 and the subsequent release of the Obama photograph by the Government.  That press release and photograph were reported and carried in Spain and led to the Spanish Government delivering a protest to Washington.  It will be recalled that this then resulted in Mr Picardo having to quickly play down his Washington visit in an interview with El Pais on 4 March 2013 on the basis that it was not an official but a private visit. 

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